Imprint & Legal Notice


MBCTrades GmbH


Oskar-von-Miller-Straße 12

60314 Frankfurt am Main


E-Mail: [email protected]

CEO: Dr. Hans-Peter Müller

Supervisory Authority:

Competent Supervisory Authority: (
Federal Financial Supervisory Authority

Marie-Curie-Str. 24-28

D-60439 Frankfurt

Phone: 0229 / 4108 – 0

Fax: 0229 / 4108 – 1550

E-Mail: [email protected]

Legal Notice

Copyright and Trademark Rights

The content, images, and concepts of the website of the company MBCTrades GmbH are protected by copyright. Any use, modification, reproduction, resale, rental, or other exploitation of product names, information, images, and other content of the website of MBCTrades GmbH is prohibited without prior written permission. All other trademarks and product names are the property of their respective owners and are protected accordingly.

Links to Third-Party Websites

The website of MBCTrades GmbH may contain links to third-party websites. MBCTrades GmbH assumes no responsibility for the content of these websites and expressly distances itself from their content.


The information provided on this website is for general description and representation of the services of MBCTrades GmbH. Actual features may vary depending on the individual case. Obligations to ensure specific features exist only if expressly agreed in writing. The availability of our services is subject to change without prior notice.

While MBCTrades GmbH strives for regular updating and verification of the information provided, no guarantee can be given for the timeliness, accuracy, and completeness of the information. MBCTrades GmbH excludes any liability for material and legal defects in the information on its website, especially regarding its accuracy, freedom from errors, and the protection and copyright of third parties.

Despite extensive security measures, MBCTrades GmbH cannot guarantee the freedom from viruses of the website. Users should take their own security precautions.

Sustainability in Investment Advisory

Legal Disclosure Requirements

In accordance with legal regulations, we disclose the following information. We do not intend to promote ecological or social features in our investment strategies or for specific financial instruments:

Consideration of Sustainability Risks:

Environmental impacts, social conflicts, and inadequate corporate governance can negatively affect the value of our clients’ investments and assets. These sustainability risks can have direct effects on the financial situation, assets, and reputation of the investment objects. We endeavor to identify and exclude companies with a higher risk potential by applying our own specific exclusion criteria to limit sustainability risks.

Declaration on the Consideration of Adverse Impacts on Sustainability Factors:

We strive to fulfill our responsibility as financial service providers and avoid adverse impacts on sustainability factors in our investment recommendations. However, due to current bureaucratic limitations, the implementation of these legal requirements is currently not feasible. Furthermore, essential legal questions remain unresolved.

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